Archive for 17 April 2005
17 April
/* 0.1 - initial release 0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot] 0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot] 0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off) 0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix */ class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin { function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; } function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; } function getURL() { return ''; } function getVersion() { return '0.5'; } function getDescription() { return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses'; } function install() { $this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no'); $this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]'); $this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]'); } function getEventList() { return array('PreItem', 'PreComment'); } function Treatment($_text) { global $CONF, $blog; if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') { $nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\""; } if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text); $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text); } $at = $this->getOption('at'); $dot = $this->getOption('dot'); if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') { if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text); } else { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text); } } if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){ $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text); } return $_text; } function event_PreItem($_data) { $_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body); $_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more); } function event_PreComment($_data) { $_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']); } function supportsFeature ($what) { switch ($what) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } } ?>Das WikiDiki geht an den Start
Bislang stellte der WikiReader die einzige pdf-Essenz aus dem Umfeld der Wikipedia dar, jetzt wird er ergänzt durch ein zweites Projekt. Mit dem Heft "Portugiesisch - Deutsch - Portugiesisch" wurde in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia vom Benutzer Igelball heute die erste Ausgabe des WikiDiki eingestellt. WikiDikis sind zweisprachige Wörterbücher, die die WikiReader zu den einzelnen Ländern ergänzen sollen.
Geschrieben von Necrophorus um 18:13:16 Uhr - 1988 Kommentare - Keine Trackbacks
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